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The bible contains many passages in which the authors claim divine inspiration for their message or report the effects of such inspiration on others. Besides the direct accounts of written revelation, such as moses receiving the ten commandments, the prophets of the old testament frequently claimed that their message was of divine origin by prefacing the revelation using the following phrase.
Finally, while one must deal carefully with old testament prototypes of new testament fulfillments, there are clearly persons (like joseph) who in a unique way prefigure and thus anticipate christ. Some of these prototypes would not be evident unless the scriptures made this clear (see, for example, matthew 2:15 and hosea 11:1).
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Answer: the doctrine of inspiration is the teaching that the bible is god-breathed and is therefore our infallible rule for faith and practice. If the bible is simply the work of the human imagination, then there is no compelling reason to follow its doctrines and moral guidelines.
This process of inspiration was not a mechanical dictation where the writer simply wrote down what was heard. Neither did they go into a trance-like some cases of “automatic writing” which are said to occur in occult practices.
Feb 15, 2008 seminar notes why are we concerned with the bible? which books make up the bible and why? the new testament canon do we have.
The former reads, all scripture is inspired by god and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.
121 the old testament is an indispensable part of sacred scripture. Its books are divinely inspired and retain a permanent value, 92 for the old covenant has never been revoked. 122 indeed, the economy of the old testament was deliberately so oriented that it should prepare for and declare in prophecy the coming of christ.
Kings, soldiers, wise men, fallen women the new testament has some remarkably memorable characters. But wait *do* you remember them all? find out now with our quiz! religion by: torrance grey 6 min quiz compared to the old testament.
Realize the implications of inspiration for the authority of the bible. What do we mean by inspiration? two verses in the new testament directly discuss the idea.
Jesus referred to the entire old testament both as the law and the prophets ( matt.
All scripture is given by inspiration of god, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof for correction, there are twenty-two divisions of the entire old testament.
The fact of the inspiration of the bible as god’s special revelation to man naturally leads to the question (since many other religious books were written during both the old and new testament periods) what particular books are canonical, that is, what books are inspired and should be recognized as a part of god’s authoritative revelation?.
While the new testament understands god to be the author of the old testament—by inspiration of the holy spirit (2 timothy 3:16)—at least forty different writers have been identified as authors. Among these ancient scribes are well-known biblical personalities like moses, david, and solomon.
All scripture is inspired by god and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; yet the lord warned israel and judah through all his prophets and every seer, saying, “turn from your evil ways and keep my commandments, my statutes according to all the law which i commanded your fathers, and which i sent to you through my servants the prophets.
Then he arose early in the morning, and built an altar at the foot of the mountain with twelve pillars for the twelve tribes of israel. He sent young men of the sons of israel, and they offered burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls as peace offerings to the lord.
These matter-of-fact claims, just the same, are strong indications of how the writers understood and explained their cohesive message that spanned the centuries before christ. How the nt writers viewed the ot the concept of the sacred canon was established well before nt times.
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The word inspiration, as applied to the holy scriptures, has gradually we receive the old testament just as christ handed it to us, and on his authority.
When people talk about the bible as the inspired word of god, does it include every book, every word and every detail?.
Answer: here are some evidences that the bible is inspired (god-breathed), as declared in 2 timothy 3:16: 1) fulfilled prophecy. God spoke to men telling them of things he would bring about in the future.
Andy stanley calls the old testament ‘outdated and obsolete,’ but it’s his inspiration that will shock you september 11, 2018 josh daffern patheos explore the world's faith through different.
Jun 15, 2009 as the theologian roger beckwith aptly states, with no canon there is no bible.
The inspiration of the old testament the concept of inspiration is a matter of debate among people of faith and it has produced many different proposals. Although not everyone agrees with a specific definition of inspiration, the majority of people of faith believe that the old testament is inspired.
The testimony of reliable witnesses—particularly jesus, but also moses, joshua, david, daniel, and nehemiah in the old testament, and john and paul in the new testament—affirms the authority and verbal inspiration of the holy scriptures.
A theological defense for the inspiration of the old testament involving the canaanite problem. Among modern skeptics, the popular accusation against the inspiration of scripture stems from god’s command to the israelites to annihilate the canaanites. In deuteronomy, god commands the israelites to “save alive nothing that breathes, but you shall devote them to complete destructionthe canaanitesas the lord your god has commanded” (deuteronomy 20:16b-17).
And if they are infallible as teachers of doctrine, then the doctrine of plenary inspiration must be accepted.
Dec 4, 2017 join origins host ray heiple as he welcomes, jay seegert for, “the bible's inspiration: scientific evidence” as christians, we believe the bible.
The old testament, in its entirety, can teach us valuable lessons; it should not be ignored.
The idea behind the word inspiration is that god supernaturally guided the biblical authors to write the exact things that he wanted expressed. Therefore, the phrase “verbal plenary inspiration” means that all parts of the bible, as well as every word of the bible, says exactly what god wanted said.
Inspiration is a miraculous thing and john records that the holy spirit is the one that made this miracle happen, like he did for other miracles. All scripture is inspired by god and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; - ii timothy 3:16 paul, the apostle, says that all of scripture is inspired.
The number of references to the old testament by new testament writers is abundant, and it attests to the fact that there was an established canon at the time of their writing. Probably the most complete secular evidence (in secular writings) on the concept of a canon resides in the work of josephus.
Nov 17, 2017 the bible is god's word; but how did he write it through men? this is what theories of inspiration seek to explain.
To say that the scriptures were given “by inspiration” of god indicates that they were god-breathed, which spotlights the truth that the god of heaven is the source of the scriptures. When the apostle paul went into synagogues and “reasoned with them from the scriptures,” the reference is to the old testament.
The old testament assumes and speaks from the perspective of divine inspiration. Should we do any less? what about the new testament? we see that the old testament is repeatedly spoken of as being inspired via the numerous references cited above but what about the new testament? are the new testament books inspired as well?.
Inspiration, then, as defined by paul in this passage, is the strong, conscious inbreathing of god into men, qualifying them to give utterance to truth. It is god speaking through men, and the old testament is therefore just as much the word of god as though god spake every single word of it with his own lips.
Jun 3, 2004 the doctrine of inspiration answers that question and guarantees the accuracy of the bible as god's special revelation.
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